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The Leadership of St. Benedict of the Copts

The Abbot President is our Major Superior. The Prior, who is described in the Rule of St. Benedict as holding the place of Christ is the spiritual leader of our Community. He appoints the monks who respond to various needs within the Community. Chapter 21 of the Rule of St. Benedict emphasizes on sharing of responsibilities and is described as central to the Benedictine Community life. This is where this delegation of authority is rooted in.

The Prior is assisted in his guidance of the Community by the Community Council. Due to various needs in our monastic community, there are a variety of ways through which the general membership of the monastery can participate in policy-making and implementation of Community goals.

Contact Now


Right Rev. Fr. Abbot Jeremias OSB

The Major Superior & Abbot President of The Benedictine Congregation of Sankt Ottilien.

Rev. Fr. Maximilian OSB, The Prior
Br. Bruno OSB, The Cellarer
Br. Arsanius OSB, The Vocations Director

Contact Information:

Rev. Fr. Maximilian OSB
The Prior
Monastery of St. Benedict of the Copts
2, 17 Street Mokattam
Cairo – Egypt